Higher Education Act: Consumer Information

Central Methodist University provides the following links to help students and parents make informed decisions about attending CMU in Fayette or at our numerous regional sites.

  1. General Institutional Information
    1. CMU Factbook, 2022-23
    2. CMU Factbook, 2021-22
    3. Privacy of Student Records: As required by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act issued by the Federal Trade Commission, Central Methodist University has safeguards in place designed to: ensure the security and confidentiality of student information, protect against unauthorized access to or use of such information that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any student.
    4. FERPA
    5. Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities
    6. Student Diversity
    7. Net-Price Calculator (Estimate Federal Student Aid)
    8. Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal
      1. Fayette Catalog
      2. Statewide/Online Catalog
      3. Graduate Catalog
    9. Return of Federal Financial Aid
    10. Textbook Information
    11. Copyright Policy
    12. Instructional Facilities
    13. Faculty
      1. Faculty to Student Ratio - 1:13
      2. All Faculty List
    14. Transfer of Credit Policies
      1. Missouri Department of Higher Education Transfer Information
    15. Articulation and Transfer Guides
    16. Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution Programs
      1. Accreditation of Music Program
      2. Title 2 Report - Teacher Preparation
      3. Occupational Therapy Assistant
      4. Physical Therapy Assistant
      5. Certified Athletic Trainer
      6. Nursing Programs
    17. Constitution Day: CMU celebrates Constitution Day each year. This day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, "recognizing all who, are born in the U.S. or by naturalization, have become citizens." Educational institutions receiving Federal funds are required by law to hold an educational program on the United States Constitution for Constitution Day.
    18. Technology Acceptable Use Policy
    19. Study Abroad: General Policy, Financial Aid Policy
  2. Student Financial Aid (CMU Financial Aid: 660-248-6245, finaid@lookforstudies.com)
    1. Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information
    2. Contact Information and Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information.
    3. Assistance Available from Federal, State, Local, and Institutional Programs
      1. Institutional
      2. Grants
      3. Loans
      4. Work Study
    4. Student Loan Information
      1. Initial Loan Counseling for Student Borrowers
      2. Exit counseling for Student Borrowers
      3. Institutional Code of Conduct for Education Loans
      4. Historical Lender List
      5. Preferred Lender Arrangements: not applicable
      6. Institutional Default Rates
        1. 2018 Official 3-yr cohort default rate is 5.5%
        2. 2019 Official 3-yr cohort default rate is 0.9%
        3. 2020 Official 3-yr cohort default rate is 0.0%
      7. National cohort default rate: 7.8%
        i. Percentage of CLAS students who borrow: 67%
        ii. Percentage of CGES undergraduate students who borrow: 52%
        iii. Percentage of graduate students who borrow: 44%

    5. FAFSA Verification
    6. Standards of Academic Progress
  3. Health and Safety
    1. Statement of Nondiscrimination: Central Methodist University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of any status or condition protected by applicable federal or state law, including race, religion, gender, nationality, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status or disability, in the administration of its educational policies, admission, financial assistance, employment, educational programs or activities. The following office has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Office of Human Resources
      Central Methodist University, 411 CMU Square, Fayette, MO 65248, 660-248-6680
    2. Drug and Alcohol Abuse: CMU fully supports all state and federal laws and local ordinances regulating the sale and possession of alcoholic beverages. The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages by students or their guests and the use, possession, or distribution of narcotics or other dangerous and illegal drugs on CMU property is strictly prohibited. It is the responsibility of the officers and members of each student organization to see that those in attendance at their social functions and meetings conduct themselves in accordance with CMU regulations. Use of alcohol and other drugs has been shown to be a health risk. The campus counselor is trained and available to help students with these issues.
      Violation of this policy may result in discharge or other discipline in accordance with University policies and procedures.
      1. Drug Free Workplace Policy
      2. Student Handbook
      3. Employee Handbook
    3. Vaccination Policy
    4. Campus Security
      1. Background Checks
      2. Fire Safety Policies
      3. Fire Statistics and Fire Log
      4. Clery Report Information for all campuses
    5. Emergency Response Plan: Central Methodist University's Emergency Operations Plan includes information about the Emergency Response Team; Situations and Assumptions; Concept of Operations; Phases of Emergency Planning; Types of Crisis, Emergency Notification Plan; Organization and Assignment Responsibilities, Administration and Logistics; Building Evacuation Procedures, Plan Review and Maintenance. University Departments assisted by University Safety are responsible for developing contingency plans and continuity of operations plans for their staff and areas of responsibility.
      The University conducts numerous emergency response exercises each year, such as a table top exercise, fire drills, field exercises, and tests of the mass emergency notification systems at all primary campuses. These tests are designed to assess and evaluate the emergency plans and capabilities of the institution.
      When a serious incident occurs that causes an immediate threat to the campuses, the first responders to the scene are normally Campus Safety, local law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services. Typically, these agencies respond and work together to manage the incident. Depending on the nature of the incident, other Central Methodist Departments and other state or federal agencies could also be involved in responding to the incident.
      General information about the emergency response and evacuation procedures for all Central Methodist University locations are publicized each year as part of the institution's Clery Act compliance efforts. This information is contained in the Central Methodist University Annual Security Report: Safety Reports & Training
  4. Student Outcomes
    1. Retention Rates
      1. College of Liberal Arts & Sciences: 65.9% average over the last three years: 58.3% (2020-21); 67.3% (2021-22); 64.7% (2022-23).
      2. College of Graduate & Extended Studies: Most students in CMU-CGES are transfer students, there is a very small number of first-time full-time freshmen each fall, generally less than 1% of the incoming students. The Fall of 2015 was the first time CMU-CGES had students begin as first-time students, since that time there have been 1 to 3 first-time students each fall. There is currently a 42.2% average over the last three years: 33.3% (2020-21); 33.3% (2021-22); 60% (2022-23). These cohorts are too small to break down by gender, race, and aid..
    2. Graduation Rates
      1. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduation Rates
        1. 40.9% < 4 years (2019 Cohort), 50.0% <5 years (2018 Cohort), 54.5% <6 years (2017 Cohort).
        2. Graduation rate by aid
        3. Graduation rate by ethnicity
        4. Graduation rate by gender
      2. College of Graduate and Extended Studies: College of Graduate & Extended Studies: Most students in CMU-CGES are transfer students, there is a very small number of first-time full-time freshmen each fall, generally less than 1% of the incoming students. The Fall of 2015 was the first time CMU-CGES had students begin as first-time students, since that time there have been 1 to 3 first-time students each fall. CMU-CGES currently has a 0% graduation rate for full-time first-time freshmen. These cohorts are too small to break down by gender, race, and aid.
  5. Athletics
    1. Equity in Athletics 2018 - Survey
    2. Equity in Athletics 2019 - Survey
    3. Equity in Athletics 2020 - Survey
    4. Equity in Athletics 2021 - Survey
    5. Equity in Athletics 2022 - Survey
    6. Equity in Athletics 2023 - Survey
    7. Equity in Athletics 2018 - Institution Information
    8. Equity in Athletics Report 2023 - Summary
    9. Equity in Athletics Report 2022 - Summary
    10. Equity in Athletics Report 2021 - Summary
    11. Equity in Athletics Report 2020 - Summary
    12. Equity in Athletics Report 2018 - Summary
    13. Equity in Athletics Report 2018 - Data
    14. Equity in Athletics 2017
    15. Student Athlete Graduation Report
      1. 2023 Report
      2. 2022 Report
      3. 2021 Report
      4. 2020 Report
      5. 2019 Report
      6. 2018 Report
  6. Voter Registration
  7. IPEDS, Student Outcomes, and Assessment Data
    1. 2021 CLAS Feedback Report, 2021 CGES Feedback Report
    2. 2021-22 CMU Undergraduate Student Outcomes Assessment Report
    3. 2021-22 CMU Graduate Student Outcomes Assessment Report
      1. Clinical Counseling Information - MSCC Chronicle
    4. Nursing Program Assessment
      1. BSN-G SPEP and Action Plan
      2. BSN-C SPEP and Action Plan
      3. ABSN SPEP and Action Plan
      4. MSN SPEP and Action Plan
      5. NCLEX Pass Rates
    5. Athletic Training Board Certification Outcomes
    6. Occupational Therapy Outcomes
    7. Physical Therapy Outcomes
    8. First Destination Survey
    9. Career Services Placement data: For the class of 2021, 90.4% of graduates either were employed, in graduate school or the military.